The Soda Pop

Security- is a sytem of safeguard designed to protect a c0mputer system and data fr0m deliberate or accidental damage or access by unauth0rized pers0nsg
>> c0mputer security risk- aCTi0n that causes l0ss of or damage t0 c0mputer system.

Example of c0mputer security risk:::
> virus
>tr0jan h0rse hide

>>anti-virus pr0gram- identifies and rem0ves c0mputer viruses.
>>firewall - security system c0nsisting of hardware and/or s0ftware that prevents unauth0rized
>> pers0nal firewall utility- pr0gram that pr0tects pers0nal c0mputer and its data fr0m unauth0rized intrusi0ns.

Unauth0rized aCcess and Use
>> user name- unique c0mbinati0n ofcharacter that identifies user
>> passw0rd - is private c0mbinati0n 0f characters ass0ciated with the user name that all0ws aCcess to c0mputer res0urces.

Hardware theft and vandalism, s0ftware theft
>>hardware theft - is act of stealing c0mputer equipment

>>hardware vandalism- is act of defacing or destr0ying c0mputer equipment
>>s0ftware theft- is act of stealing or illegaly c0pying s0ftware or intenti0nally erasing pr0grams.
>>license agreement - right to use s0ftware. Single-user license agreement all0ws user t0 install s0ftware on one c0mputer.

Inf0rmation theft
>>encrypti0n- safeguards against inf0rmati0n theft
>>pr0cess of c0nverjing plaintext (readable) into ciphertext (unreadable characters)
>> encrypti0n key(f0rmula)
>>to read the data, the recipient must decrypt, or decipher, the data

internet security risk
>>certificate auth0rity(RA) - auth0rized pers0n or c0mpany that issues and verifies digital certificates.

System failure
>>pr0l0nged malfuncti0n of c0mputer
>>can cause l0ss of hardware, s0ftware. Or data
>>caused by aging hardware, natural disasters, or electrical p0wer disturbances
>>>>n0ise- unwanted electrical supply
>>> underv0ltage- dr0p in electrical supply
>> overv0ltage or p0wer surge- significant increase in electrical p0wer

>>surge pr0tect0r- pr0tects c0mputer and equipment fr0m electrical p0wer disturbancfs

Electronic pr0file- data c0llected when u fill out f0rm on web. Merchants sell your electr0nic pr0file. Often you can specify whether you want pers0nal inf0rmati0n distributed.
Backing up -- the ultimate safeguard.
>>backup - duplicate of file, program, or disk
^^ full backup all files in c0m
>>selective backup select which files to back up
>>three generati0n backup preserves three c0pies of imp0rtant files

<>IT C0DE of c0nduct - written guideline that help dEtermine whether c0mputer acti0n is ethical, may empl0yer can distribute t0 empl0yees.

>> phishing - scam in which a perpetrat0r sends an official l0oking email that attemps to obtain our pers0nal and financial inf0rmati0n.

Spyware, adware, and span
>> spyware is program placed on c0mputer w/o user kn0wledge
>> adware is a pr0gram that displays online advertisements
>>span is unsolicited email message sent to many recipients